Jennifer Lea Jennifer Lea

Frosted Windows

Easy updates to your windows for privacy to lose the old blinds or just for a new look!

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Jennifer Lea Jennifer Lea

Insulate Your Curtains

Did you know that curtains can save you money? They are not only beautiful decor and functional for privacy, but they can also offer substantial insulation for your home when done right. Some stats say as much as 50% energy retention!

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Jennifer Lea Jennifer Lea

Bougie on a Budget

Judge me or don’t, but I put my lashes back on today, I feel a million times better and I’m not going to feel guilty for one more minute about it. We absolutely must do things for ourselves to get through this thing called life and whatever it is that you need to do that, DO IT!

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Jennifer Lea Jennifer Lea

Woodpecker Problems

Woodpeckers may be a pretty bird, but the damage they do to wood siding is anything but. Learn how to repair and eradicate these pretty pests!

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