Updates for Functionality

Don’t just update to make it look better - make it work better if you can.
— Jennifer Lea

As you know, I love fresh and clean updates to make homes feel new again, but whenever I update a space, I think about how to maximize it. What do I really need that space to be for? The toy room that might have worked 8 years ago is no longer serving its purpose. The laundry room that is on the smaller side was perfectly fine until your family grew into a small tribe. Or in my most recent case, the 1970’s wet bar conveniently located off the garage could be used far more effectively as a “drop zone” and hopefully help my kids backpacks and coats find a better spot to live than the floor!

So, what goes into a drop zone? The typical ones are a bench, baskets, and hooks. All this works fine and looks lovely, but think for a moment about how updating the space can serve your family, not just serve a cute instagram post. For example, after remodeling my kitchen and in living in my house for about six months, there were three things that I struggled with daily for a place to put: lunch boxes, extra shopping bags, and MASKS! Who would have ever thought we’d have to have a place for masks, right? A year later and we’re still washing and wearing, so it’s about time they find a semi-permanent home.

To solve this I decided to create a multi-level space to store these random items and have a convenient space to put my coffee before I walk out the door and any “don’t forget items.” It’s a fairly simply cupboard with hooks and let me tell you, it’s been life changing! Now, if I could just teach the backpacks and coats to hang themselves up since my kids can’t seem to figure it out!

Jennifer Lea

Making the old and outdated new and fresh again…with panache!


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