Paint Your Grout

Let’s be honest…we all love our tile, but keeping grout clean is my nemesis! And over time, no matter how much you clean it or what you clean it with, it just gets dingy. Here’s your answer - paint it! There is specially designed grout paint. The prep (as always!) is key. It’s detailed work, but I’m telling you, your tile will look brand new when you’re done! I haven’t researched what goes into doing your shower, but this method is tried and true on my floors for years!


Money | $30-$60

Time | 30 minutes per 3x3’ area


  • Grout colorant of choice. You can stick with the same as your current and just freshen it up and make it look uniform and clean, or go darker. If you want to go light, be prepared to do multiple coats. The same color is the easiest and looks awesome.

  • Prep cleaner for grout. If your grout has never been sealed and you cleaned it with vinegar really well, this step is probably not necessary.

  • Nylon scrubbing sponge or toothbrush.

  • Old rag/towel to wipe excess.

  • Small paintbrush, about the width of your grout lines.

  • Patience. Not for sale. :)


  • Clean the heck out of your grout. Let dry two hours.

  • Pour a small amount of colorant into a disposable cup and get to work with your small paint brush. It dries fairly fast, so don’t dink around too much and definitely don’t let excess set up. Adequately cover and wipe off any excess immediately with a damp (not wet) rag from the edges.

  • Let cure 7 days before steaming or cleaning.

Enjoy the Project

Playlist | This is Carly Pierce

Wine | Kirkland Box Cab :)

*My site may contain affiliate links where I receive a small percentage of commission from the company for sales generated on behalf of my blog. Your price does not increase, and I never include links for any products I don’t use, like and recommend. Thanks for your support!

Jennifer Lea

Making the old and outdated new and fresh again…with panache!

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