Difference Between Nail polish and Paint

The type of paint you buy will 100% affect the outcome of your project and ultimately, how happy you are with it.
— Jennifer Lea

I was helping a friend with wall paint and I was trying to explain how to select a paint. I decided I could probably write a course on this, but what I want you to really think about is comparing it to nail polish. There are too many people who go to the paint counter at wherever with their chosen color in hand and say “I need a gallon please.” You know the drill - they start asking you questions about what kind and what sheen of finish you want and here it comes the “oh s*%t” moment when you don’t have a clue!

Now, if you are fortunate enough to have a gray haired old school painter working, you can tell them about your project and they will help you pick the right kind of paint. However, the last time I encountered one of those experts was years ago! Most of the time it’s a twenty something who may have never painted a wall in their life. So, let’s rethink asking advice at the paint store, instead, research before you go! 

Picking out paint for your project is just like picking out nail polish! You know there are differences between shades, brands, texture, thickness, applicator brush, the sheen, the durability, how easy it is to remove, etc. SAME WITH PAINT! I can’t tell you which is best as a general matter, although I definitely have some biases based on my own experience. My recommendation is when you get ready to tackle a project, go on Facebook to DIY forums such as Paint it Beautiful, Houzz or Pinterest and just start researching what other people recommend and what they have used. You want to keep in mind the following questions:

  • Is my project inside or outside?

  • What is the surface of your project? Brand new drywall, varnished wood, new wood, old wall, etc. You may need a primer or other type of prep. No prep = bad results, I don’t care how good of paint you bought!

  • How durable does this need to be? Heavy foot or hand traffic or just pretty sitting on a shelf?

  • Does it need to be washable?

  • Do you want it to look brand new or distressed?

  • Are you willing to do multiple steps or want more like a one-and-done application?

  • Do you want it to be matte/flat or shiny/gloss?

  • How much will the sun shine on it?

  • Are you painting over a dark or super light color with the opposite color of new paint?

Enjoy the Project

Playlist | CheaperThanWine

Wine | Meiomi Pinor Noir

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Jennifer Lea

Making the old and outdated new and fresh again…with panache!


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