How to Hang a Photo Collage Wall

Here’s to strong women | May we know them | May we be them | May we raise them.
— Michelle Obama

I love photo collages, but to get them hung and to look just right, can be a bit daunting! Here are a few tips.


  • Level

  • Tape Measure

  • Hammer

  • Pencil

  • Hooks, nails and possibly wire kit (to use instead of two side hooks if applicable)

  • 3M Velco Strips


  • Mark the general size and shape of your wall on your floor with masking tape to visualize how much room you have to work with on the wall.

  • Lay all of your frames out and decide how you like them. Use an odd number of frames since things always look better in odd numbers. Don’t ask why, they just do! There is not a right or wrong way, but this is kind of an art. If you don’t think you have “an eye” for this, call a crafty friend to come help! I typically like to have 3” to 6” between each picture and hang at a variety of heights. Too much space and it doesn’t look like a collage, but if there is not enough space it will look cramped and can make your space look small.

  • Once you have everything arranged, take a picture with your phone so you can quickly reference it as you go along.

  • Start with the center picture - measure your wall top to bottom and left to right to make sure your “starting point” is where you want it. I’m not saying it needs to be perfectly centered, you just need to understand this is what you are going to build from and everything will go off of that, so make sure that first photo is “grounded” well. Then, keep going to the top, bottom, right and left of that picture out until you are done with all of them.

  • If there is only one hanger at the top, decide if you want a hook or not. If it shows, just use a 1 ½” finishing nail and no hook. If there are two hangers on each side, use a level across the top to make sure you are hanging it level. Make your “dots” where you are going to hammer and hold your level across them. Not straight? Adjust the dots instead of nails, and then pound! Alternatively, tie wire to the hooks and then you can just use one hanging hook in the middle and don’t have to mess with the level.

  • Once you are done, use your level across all the frames to make sure they are straight. Then apply a strip of 3M velcro to the bottom backside of the frame to hold it in place from slamming bedroom doors, dusting, and the like.

  • Stand back and admire!

Enjoy the Project

Playlist | Country Kind of Love

Wine | Robert Mondavi Merlot

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Jennifer Lea

Making the old and outdated new and fresh again…with panache!

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