Cheaper than Wine | DIY Projects to Make the Old Look Fresh Again!

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Cozy…by Christmas

As I’m drinking my coffee by my new fireplace on a beautiful fall Saturday morning, I reassure myself that by Christmas, my office will no longer be a card table in the living room. The TV will be hung above the fireplace and there will be three live wood shelves on each side of it. And, of course, there will be stockings! There will also be softly covered benches accessorized with a cute pillow and throw for extra seating when the day comes we are allowed to gather in a group large enough to require “extra seating!” The floor will be a warm rich brown, covered with a beautiful area rug and comfortable sectional with holiday pillows and a fur throw. It will be filled with the dog and two girls drinking hot chocolate and watching Netflix. Yes, the vision is there and is coming together! Meanwhile, I’ll gladly enjoy my cup of coffee at my card table this morning and be grateful that I have a table at all and a beautiful home to update that is already filled with peace, love and laughter. With all that said, I better finish this cup of coffee and get to work to make my vision happen! :)

Watch the video below to see the fireplace transformation, and be sure to subscribe to my youtube channel for more videos like this!

Enjoy the Project

Playlist | Country Coffeehouse by Spotify